We’re officially knee deep into the holidays and with them comes the sights, sounds, foods, crafts, decorating, and reads of the season. From the perfect soundtrack for your holiday party to gift ideas for those distant cousins, AAPLD can help. In fact, we can help 24/7 with our online resources accessible wherever you are, even from your smartphone. Yes, we have that.
Find holiday themed movies, music, eBooks, audiobooks and more! AAPLD card required to set up an account.
Music Online
Create a playlist from free streaming audio of thousands of music tracks from classical, jazz, popular, and folk/world music labels (sends to iPhone and Android OS). AAPLD card required to set up an account.
Consumer Reports
Want to gift a family member or friend with the latest gadget or technology? Check out ratings, reviews, recommendations, and buying advice for 1000s of products from the premier consumer advocate magazine. AAPLD card required.
Hobbies & Crafts Reference Center
Whether you need holiday meal recipes, decorating tips, or holiday craft projects, this collection of resources has it all. You’ll even find helpful step-by-step videos, including “How to Make an Origami Christmas Tree”! AAPLD card required to set up an account.
Book Finder / Book Adventure
Take the mystery out of shopping for books for kids in K-12 with Book Finder.
Freegal Music
Search for your holiday favorites in the Sony Music catalog and download songs that are yours to keep! AAPLD card required to set up an account; must be a cardholder in good standing.
Sometimes the holidays can be unhealthy! MedlinePlus allows you to explore health topics, research drugs & supplements, and watch helpful videos in this health information database. Especially helpful if you need to find out what it means that one of your holiday guests has been diagnosed with Tinea versicolor. For AAPLD cardholders only.