Construction being completed by the Village of Algonquin on Harnish Drive in front of our Harnish Main Library location will be affecting the Library. You may be wondering what’s happening.
- The wide, asphalt bike path adjacent to Harnish Drive is being extended from the high school property to west of Spella Park.
- The Spella Park parking lot is being paved.
- An additional path is connecting the path near our drive thru to the path nearer to Spella Park to offer better access without pedestrians or bicycles having to cross a parking lot.
- The concrete apron for the library entrance is being replaced.
We will remain open for the duration of this construction. Currently, the east side of the driveway is open with a path, and the west side of the driveway is under construction. We temporarily have a one-lane driveway so vehicles MUST take turns.
Please use utmost caution as this project is completed by the Village of Algonquin. Our hope always is for community members to be able to come into the Library excited, curious, and safe.