Did you know that Algonquin Area Public Library District offers our cardholders a way to download FREE music- and keep it in a personal collection?
We do, and it’s called freegal, a database which offers access to about 15 million songs, including artists from Sony Music’s catalogs.
You’ll find it under our Virtual Library dropdown, and listed with our Online Resources. To create an account, enter your AAPLD card number. Stream unlimited music and download up to 5 songs a week, which are yours to keep. There’s no charge, no commercials, and your information won’t be sold or collected.
Download the freegal app (iOS, Android) to take your music wherever you go. The Adult Summer Reading log has a QR code on the back for easy access to your favorite app store.
Learn to use freegal this week at the Music on Your Device class, held Monday, June 7th from 7-8:30pm or Wednesday, June 9th from 10-11:30am. Attend in person at the Harnish Main Library, or virtually.
We’ll cover app installation, streaming, downloading, and creating playlists. Share your best playlist with the library and community to earn a bonus entry for one of the end of Summer Reading gift baskets.
If you can’t make the class just stop by the Adult Services desk, we’re happy to help.