Gardeners of all ages are welcome to actively participate in the first season of AAPLD's new Teaching Garden! We have classes, workshops, and hands-on experiences happening throughout the summer, as well as weekly drop-in office hours staffed by a University of Illinois Master Gardener. You might say we're "Wild About Gardening," too! Click on the program name to register.
For Adults
Early Veggie Harvest/Tender Veggie Plantings
Thursday, June 9, 10 - 11 am
Work alongside a Master Gardener in the Teaching Garden to help with the early vegetable harvest and planting tender vegetables. Get trips and tricks for your garden along the way!
Midsummer Madness
Monday, June 20, 7 - 8 pm
Spend a little of the longest day of the year in the Teaching Garden! We'll harvest some early crops, cut some flowers, add new plantings and more.
How to Cut Flowers for Arrangements/Bouquets
Wednesday, July 27, 10 - 11 am
Working in the Teaching Garden and learning how to cut flowers for arrangements and bouquets.
Master Gardener Hours
Fridays in June, July & August (weather permitting), 9:30 - 10:30 am
Have a gardening question? Want to learn more about the Teaching Garden? A University of Illinois Extension Master Gardener will be available to answer your questions. No registration required: just drop in.
For Kids
Tomatoes From Outer Space, Part 2
Wednesday, June 8, 10 - 11 am
Junior gardeners are invited to participated in the Tomatosphere project, where gardening and space science meet. In this session, we'll collect and record data on our seedlings and then plant them in the STEM Garden section of the Teaching Garden. For kids going into grades 4-8.
Planting a STEM Garden
Wednesday, June 15, 10 - 11 am
Using math, science, and engineering skills, we'll plant seeds and seedlings in the Library's Youth STEM Garden. For kids going into grades 2-5.