On Saturday, July 30, the Library won the Founders' Days "Best Float Award 2016" for their "Future is Now" float. Volunteers worked diligently to represent this year's parade theme "Turn of the Century" with a storytime scene imagined from 2501.
An "adult" robot (complete with moveable head) sitting on a pile of appropriately titled books reads a Rolie Polie Ollie story to three "child" robots. A banner on the back of the float featured a Ray Bradbury quote: "Without libraries what have we? We have no past and no future."
Float walkers wore futuristic silver outfits complete with face paint, antennae, and foil bracelets, and handed out children's softcover books (courtesy of the Friends of the Library). We had a great time participating in this traditional community event!
The Library is grateful to volunteers John and and Marilyn Baker for their donations of time and materials in creating this float. We would also like to thank teen volunteers Hayley Masching, Susan Lim, Sharon Chacko, Brina Patel, Julia Frank, Kameron Mack for their energy and dedication.