With the completion of the 8,000-square-foot addition at the Harnish Main Library, we’re now moving into Phase 2 of AAPLD’s construction and renovation project.
In order to shift materials and finish public spaces in the addition, the Harnish Main Library will be closed Thursday, February 22 and Friday, February 23. “This closure period is necessary for the safety of both our patrons and staff, as the volume of items being shifted will occupy our normal traffic areas, including the elevators,” notes Executive Director Sara Murray. “We regret any inconvenience to our patrons and visitors, but look forward to sharing our new spaces with the public when we open for regular hours on Saturday, February 24.”
The Eastgate Branch Library will be open Thursday and Friday with limited services. There will be no Internet or phone service on Thursday; these services may be reinstated on Friday. Patrons with their library cards or library card numbers will be able to check out materials at Eastgate via the library’s offline, in-house system, and materials will be accepted for check-in. However, patron accounts will not be updated for materials checked out and returned until the system is once again online.
Materials may be returned via the Harnish Main Library drive-up return; however, no other drive-up services will be available. Patrons calling either library location on Thursday and Friday will encounter a busy signal and will not be able to leave a message until the system goes back online. All AAPLD cardholders will be able to access their accounts online at www.aapld.org to place holds, pay fines, browse the catalog, etc.