April 17 is Tax Day! Are your taxes done? Have you started? Do you have the forms you need? AAPLD is here to help! Like most public libraries, we do not stock paper tax forms, but staff can help you find and print the forms needed to file your taxes.
Tax Forms by Phone
Call 1-800-TAX-FORM (1-800-829-3676) Monday through Friday, 7 am to 7 pm to order current and/or previous year forms, instructions, and publications by mail. You’ll receive your order by mail within 10 days. For Illinois tax forms, call 1-800-356-6302.
Tax Forms at the Library or From Home
You don’t have to be a cardholder to use our computers to print out the forms you need. Or simply print from the comfort of your home.
For Federal tax forms, go to www.irs.gov and click on Forms and Pubs. Search for a specific form by typing in the form term, choosing a category, and click Find.
Forms are listed by product number (e.g., Form 1040) and also by Title (e.g., U.S. Individual Income Tax Return). To open a form, just click on its name.
After searching for a form, you may notice there is more than one listed; this is because one search result is the form and the other is the instructions for that form.
For State Tax Forms, go to http://tax.illinois.gov/taxforms. Choose the type of form that fits your needs by clicking on it. Forms will be listed by name and number. Instructions for a specific form will be marked as “Instr.”
Adobe Acrobat Reader
Theses forms will open as a PDF. You cannot enter information on these forms. If you do not have a PDF reader installed on your computer, go to http://get.adobe.com/reader/. Choose if you would like the optional offer to download free McAfee Security Scan Plus or True Key (unclick to NOT install these offers), then click on the INSTALL NOW button.
Library staff is here to help you find the resources to file your taxes, but we are not tax experts. However, we CAN help you find local resources to answer your tax-related questions. Just ask!