Let your imagination soar as the library takes you to exciting places in June and July with our summer reading program! Registration begins June 1; an Algonquin Area Public Library District (AAPLD) card is required to participate in summer reading.
Whether you're on the beach, on the road, or just on the hammock, summer is a great time to relax and read. Summer reading is especially important for young children to prevent "summer slide," when reading skills gained during the school year slip due to lack of reading practice during the summer.
Everyone gets a gift for signing up. Kids will read and do activities for a chance to spin the Youth Services prize wheel. Teens will record their reading hours to earn prizes and Book Bucks, and enter drawings. Adults will earn great coupons from local businesses. Everyone gets a one-of-a-kind T-shirt for reading!
NEW this year: the library is launching into the community with our scavenger hunt! Beginning June 1, look for the AAPLD rocket ship on display at Algonquin and Lake in the Hills businesses, organizations, and library locations. Find the rocket in a new location each week to pick up your "location ticket." Collect five tickets and bring them to the library July 30-August 3 to be entered in our prize drawing! Look for clues via social media and in our newsletter.