We welcome residents of the Algonquin Area Public Library District (AAPLD) to complete and submit an election packet to run for a seat on the AAPLD Board of Trustees. 3 seats on the 7-member AAPLD Board of Trustees will be open for the April 4, 2023 Consolidated Election. Two seats are for full, 6-year terms and one seat is for an unexpired 2-year term.
In order to provide quality library service to the Villages of Algonquin and Lake in the Hills and their surrounding areas, the Algonquin Area Public Library District requires a working team of a Library Trustees who are informed and make the necessary decisions. It is critical that each person appointed to the Board of Trustees be willing to perform the duties of a Trustee. By statute, trustees receive no payment or other compensation for their work.
The Library Board is composed of 7 Trustees.
A Trustee Must:
- Commit the time that is necessary to carry out the duties of a Trustee. This includes time to become and stay knowledgeable about public library issues, to prepare for and attend Board meetings, and to carry out Board assignments.
- Be genuinely interested in public libraries and understand the importance of public libraries in meeting the educational, recreational, and informational needs of the community.
- Understand the local community and its social and cultural needs and be willing to communicate those needs to the Board.
- Be able to work with others to reach a common goal.
- Be open-minded, intellectually curious, and respectful of the opinions of others.
- Have the courage to plan creatively and direct the effective implementation of those plans.
- Be able to withstand pressures and prejudice that would restrict or prevent equal library service to all.
What Trustees Do
- oversee and approve the budget, levy, and other financial responsibilities
- set library policy
- employ and evaluate the Executive Director
- plan for the future
- monitor the library’s effectiveness
- be an advocate for the library
If a candidate has questions or requires additional information, please contact the Executive Director, a current Trustee, or attend a Board meeting. Board meetings are typically held the 4th Wednesday of every month at 7 PM (with some exceptions). See the list of meetings for all meeting dates.
What is required to run?
- Complete the required information in a candidate packet, which can be picked up at the Harnish Main Library or Eastgate Branch Library during any open hours. A digital candidate packet can also be printed.
- Circulate the nominating petitions and obtain at least 50 signatures from qualified voters who reside in the Algonquin Area Public Library District. The candidate must sign the completed petitions in the presence of a notary public.
- File a Statement of Economic Interest with the McHenry County Clerk and obtain a receipt of that filing.
- Submit a complete election packet to a designated staff member at the Algonquin Area Public Library District, 2600 Harnish Drive in Algonquin, during library hours on weekdays between Monday, December 12, 2022 and Monday, December 19, 2022.
References To Consider
Candidates should consult the 2023 State of Illinois’ Candidate’s Guide for all information regarding becoming a Public Library District Board-Trustee Candidate. The guide can be viewed in its entirety by visiting the ‘Running for Office’ tab on Section of the Illinois State Board of Elections website.
The State Board of Elections also has an introductory video on the process of running for office on their YouTube channel.